Saturday, November 24, 2007

Kylie Minogue - Impossible Princess

Impossible Princess was going around at about the time when I really started getting into music, and I have distinct impressions of all four of the singles (including their videos - unusual for me), all of which got plenty of radio play at the time, and each quite different from the others: "Some Kind Of Bliss" (cruisey pop-rocker and truthfully quite blissful - yearny and sort of shut-eyed-in-the-sunshine happy), "Did It Again" (groovy, and catchy as all hell), "Cowboy Style" (techno-cowboy funk) and "Breathe" (mellow and fluid).

The album, then (I've been meaning to buy it for years and years, but have only managed to do so just now): a pleasant, electro-inflected pop album with a few hints of indie stylings, but in the end a bit too repetitive to be really interesting.