Sunday, October 21, 2007

Angie Hart @ the Toff in Town, Friday 19 October

It's true - Angie Hart has grown up a bit since her (and our) Frente days. Even the voice is less girlish (I suppose the surprise would've been were it otherwise), and the songwriting is stronger, though I much preferred the ones where she actually wrote songs complete with honest to goodness drums and electric guitar, and choruses with words, to the more meandering half-tunes which made up a reasonable proportion of her repertoire on Friday (at her most distinct, she hit a pleasing Clouds-y vibe, but these were interspersed amongst some relative lulls, too). All up, a pleasant show (albeit with an audience populated all too heavily by scene types) and a nice revisiting of a minor figure from my past.

(w/ Cassie)