Sunday, September 09, 2007

Padi Museum in Kedah, Malaysia

Downstairs is a collection of information and exhibits relating to padi (paddy) planting, primarily in Malaysia, and on the ground (entrance) floor is more info and some large paintings done by Malaysian artists mostly concerned with the country agricultural past and present (with a strong nationalistic - and, in a couple of instances, communist - slant), but the main event is up a few flights of stairs: a very large (circumference of several hundred metres at its outer range, I reckon) painted panoramic view of the surrounding area, aiming to capture a 'typical' Malaysian scene (mountains, rice paddy fields, forests, villages, etc). The scene is painted on to the inner wall of the overhead dome (with real materials used in the foreground), which the observer sees from a central, slowly rotating platform...really quite impressive. (It was an initiative of Mahatir's, apparently.)