Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Apocalypse Reader edited by Justin Taylor

I do like a good apocalypse, but the stories in this collection tend far too much towards that 'experimental' style characterised by curt, disjointed, prose, usually heavy-handedly irreverent and almost invariably somehow supposedly shocking or taboo-breaking (sex, drugs, critiques of consumerism) - stories written for people who don't usually read by people who really can't write. Reader, it sucks.

That said, there are some good ideas in here, buried amidst the dross, and fewer (but still some) decent stories - mainly those from older masters like Poe, Hawthorne, Le Guin, Moorcock...Kelly Link, Joyce Carol Oates (really gotta read her some day), Theodora Goss and Jeff Goldberg also make good contributions. But too many of the stories are just bad - in some cases, so bad that I couldn't even get enough purchase to finish them.