Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wilco @ the Palais, Wednesday 18 April

Solid show; I'm glad I went, and it was sure fun to see Wilco live. Still, three main reasons why I'm not more enthusiastic about it:

1. Having listened to Kicking Television as much as I have, I was already familiar with a lot of their live tricks (eg, the ramping-up of "Handshake Drugs"), and most of the old songs they played were off that set. The new ones sounded good, though - quite rocky, with some flourishes.

2. The Palais is a nice venue but I'm not really used to going to shows where the act is so far away and so small. It was like watching the Wilco toys. It was cute the way Jeff Tweedy was all bow-legged the whole time, or at least that's what he looked like from on high (he also has an endearing stage presence and banter).

3. They didn't really play any of my favourite favourite songs, though "A Shot In The Arm" got a run and was the highlight for mine.

Support act was Glenn Richards from Augie March, who played mostly (but, I think, not all) Augie March stuff - didn't excite me.

(w/ David)