Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Raymond E Feist - Prince of the Blood

Have done some serious damage to my sleep patterns in the last few weeks, to the extent that it's now difficult to sleep any time before 4, with 5 or 5.30 being more common (it's always a worry when you're trying to fall asleep as the sky outside is beginning to grow lighter).[*] Some nights, I can more or less push on with Heidegger pretty much till then (albeit not as efficiently as at more sane times of day/night), but on other nights, this leaves me with some dead time between shutting up shop for the night and actually being able to fall asleep. Last night was one such, and I really needed a break from the paper-writing to allow my thoughts to settle and take shape, all of which is to explain why I sat up and re-read what is really a particularly mediocre entry in the Feist oeuvre (I picked it up about a quarter of the way in, having read the first quarter or so relatively recently) - an oeuvre which is, incidentally, not particularly mediocre as a whole, as far as it goes - mainly on the basis that it'd be thoroughly undemanding and I didn't already know it absolutely inside out (unlike most of the other undemanding books on my shelf).

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[*] Actually, I suspect that there are a host of other factors bleeding into this inability to sleep, but they all kind of aggregate and compound in - or are compounded by - the brute fact of not having slept properly in recent times.