Saturday, November 19, 2005

Pure Movies

It was seeing Björk's name on the front which caused me to pick this up, and not recognising the song's title, "Play Dead", which caused me to buy it, coupled with the roll call of famous film songs that it contains (every last one of which I'd heard before - including, it turns out, the Björk cut...but I'm pretty sure that I don't have it on cd anywhere else, and it's a good song, suitably dramatic). The flavour of the thing can be appreciated by way of some thoughts about a few of the songs:
- "Love Is All Around". The first song on the compilation - enough said, really. Others in the 'enough said' category: "How Deep Is Your Love", "Up Where We Belong", "Lady In Red", "Unchained Melody", "I Just Called To Say I Love You", etc, etc.
- "Stuck In The Middle With You". This song has reminded me of Dylan in the past.
- "Blaze Of Glory". Some days I'm sorry that I taped over that old Bon Jovi best of. I mean, I probably replaced it with some Pink Floyd album or other...seriously, which one would I more often want to listen to? Bon Jovi'd win hands down.
- "I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do". And all the Concretes, Shangri-Las, etc must be having an effect, 'cause I've been quite enjoying this one. So this is what they mean what they talk about slippery slopes...
- "Nights In White Satin". Well, next time I feel like listening to this song (ie, come next blue moon), I'll be able to do so on cd instead of firing up the groaning old laptop, I guess. Here, it's the triumphant set closer.

Bonus! There's an East 17 song! Wow, that Kalifornia soundtrack must be pretty weird.