Friday, April 08, 2005

Don DeLillo - Cosmopolis

I don't know - maybe you only need to read one DeLillo book in your life, or maybe I'm just not in the mood for him right now, but I found Cosmopolis frankly boring (of course, it may just be that the book itself isn't any good, with no reflection upon the rest of his oeuvre). Ideas of the obsolete, the morbid fascination with death and endings, mediation of reality, and world-systems are all intrinsically interesting, and DeLillo has elsewhere shown himself able to imagine and render them convincingly and subtly - but Cosmopolis is really just a parade of DeLillo's these days all-too-familiar ideas, too programmatic and obvious to be interesting, and lacking in the 'novelistic' sense and deft touch that made White Noise so compelling.