Friday, January 14, 2005


I actually saw this one when it was screening in the cinemas, at about this time last year, but since the dvd was lying around the house and I was feeling too drained to do anything more demanding, I decided to rewatch the film - and responded to it in more or less exactly the same way as the first time around. On the one hand, the vampire thing and the decadence thing continue to do it for me; moreover, the class aspect is a neat device and still plays well, and the film's overall aesthetic remains compelling on a second viewing (even if the whole dark dark thing is a bit over-familiar these days). But, on the flip side, it's still, despite having a few nice ideas and genuine style going for it (not to mention its invocation of a couple of my past(ish) fixations), ultimately missing that intangible spark which could have made it a really good film.