Friday, January 21, 2005


I remember this film getting pretty good reviews when it was first released, and, without sharing that critical enthusiasm, I can see why it was so well-received. It's a neat little piece, and it generally plays its ideas out quite well. Wasn't so sure about the ending, although it certainly had the effect of causing me to re-evaluate the film (albeit in a thematic rather than plot-based fashion), because it seemed to undercut much of the message of what had gone before. The kids acted their roles well, and Matthew McConaughey also did a good job, though Bill Paxton (whose child the film is, I think) had a touch of overacting going at a couple of points. And the whole did have a fairly unsettling vibe to it, somewhat like that created by a Shyamalan film, although it had more pretensions to weightiness, I think, than anything done by that latter.