Thursday, October 26, 2023


Books I've regretted culling since the great divestment, now that I'm allowing myself a more expansive approach to book-owning again:

Wuthering Heights (maybe I'll never read it again but it was a mistake to get rid of the copy that I'd had since high school)

The Green Wind (same category as Wuthering Heights but from primary school and even more regrettable - getting a small pang thinking about it now, and actually not 100% sure it's gone ... surely I wouldn't have done that?)

All my Terry Pratchett books (I don't miss the other series - mostly fantasy - that I got rid of, and the public library system will provide if I ever want to revisit, but Discworld was in a different category and, while it was a long time ago, not having those books in those matching paperback designs of the time when I was collecting them feels like something lost)

The Sandman series (this had multiple steps - I replaced the original set with the deluxe hard-cover large format set, culled that as unnecessary and disproportionate, and later ended up re-buying the whole original set again)

The Magicians series (these were maybe a bit closer to my heart than I realised at the time)

Fates and Furies (I ended up re-buying it)

Maybe also all those horizon-expanding postmodernist novels from uni today - I've kept a few but most are gone, including some at-the-time big ones like Foucault's Pendulum.