Saturday, December 14, 2019

Shirin Neshat - Dreamers (NGV)

Three videos, each following a different woman through a series of encounters with aspects of the unconscious, black and white and around 15 minutes each.

"Illusions & Mirrors" (2013) is the most straightforward in its symbolism - a cyclical sequence in which Natalie Portman follows a figure along a beach into a house filled with troubling, blurry reflections of herself and others (including one moment which is something like a jump scare in what I took as a return of the repressed) and ends with a doubled gaze back out to the crashing waves. "Roja" and "Sarah" (both 2016) are equally striking in their imagery but more cryptic and I think deeper, operating with a less-determined (less linear), and so more apt, logic in accessing the unconscious, more glancing association than one to one representation.