Friday, October 25, 2019

Jessica Jones season 1

Probably both Krysten Ritter and the positive reviews were necessary but not sufficient, but together they finally got me watching now that netflix has come into my life. And it's good stuff - a bit darker than I expected, and more lavish with the body count, and really steers into the central metaphor of male control and abuse. Economical in its use of characters almost to a fault - the fault being when it seems the pieces fit together too well - and the 'abilities' (ie super-powers) aspect functions well, although the coincidence of so many 'gifted' people stumbling across each other as required by the plot sometimes strains credulity. The plot is twisty and there's just the right amount of it, the characters are engaging and undergoing both revelation and development as the series progresses, there are a few unnerving and even properly uncanny moments, and as mentioned just before, the themes are strong and well handled.