Monday, October 22, 2018

Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe

The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum was always going to be a highlight of this trip; my going to New Mexico was in large part to make pilgrimage to the sites of O'Keeffe's most iconic landscapes and visit the museum itself. On display was a representative selection of her paintings, with a few sketches, photos and other bits of material, arranged more thematically than chronologically, though in a way that the developments in her focuses over time were clearly apparent. I'd seen some of the pieces on display before, including several quite recently at the Heide exhibition (*) to which they travelled, while others were new to me - in a lot of cases, I hadn't even seen prints of them before, which was a delight. There's not much to say, really - this was blissful.

By theme:

Abstract Nature: 'Bella Donna', 1939; 'Green Lines and Pink', 1919

Becoming Georgia O'Keeffe: 'No. 22 - Special' (1916-17)

The Black Place (150 miles west of Ghost Ranch): 'Black Place III', 1944

At Lake George, New York:  'Autumn Trees - The Maple', 1924

My New Yorks: 'Untitled (City Night)', 1970s

O'Keeffe's Abiquiu garden: Todd Webb - 'Georgia O'Keeffe in Abiquiu Garden in Front of Corn', n.d.

O'Keeffe's New Mexico: 'Black Mesa Landscape, New Mexico / Out Back of Marie's II', 1930; 'Horse's Skull with White Rose', 1931'; 'Black Cross with Red Sky', 1929

The Wideness and Wonder of the World: 'Clouds 5 / Yellow Horizon and Clouds', 1963/1964