Saturday, July 14, 2018

Blackie Blackie Brown (Malthouse)

A righteous, angry burst, which makes the humour even more welcome and impressive. Queer, uneven and excessive, all as a matter of sensibility and politics,[*] with the several aspects of staging - set, lighting, projections - gelling well in aid of the stylistic mash-up that ensues when Blackie Blackie Brown goes on her murderous vigilante rampage to right historical wrongs.

(w/ Hayley, Cass, Ruth + Cassandre, Meribah + Stuart, and R)

[*] My response to the tonal unevenness in particular is informed by some articles I've read recently about how valorising tonal consistency within a piece of art - and criticising works which don't have that consistency - can often be a strategy to reinforce existing (white, straight, male, etc) power structures.