Thursday, April 05, 2018

NGV Triennial (fourth visit)

More time spent with my favourites from previous visits - Candice Breitz's "Love Story" and its satisfying mix of head and heart and sense of inexhaustibility, Ron Mueck's "Mass", the life-ness of which I've kept thinking about since last time, Paulina Olowska's magazine/fairytale paintings, Guo Pei's spectacular 'Legends' dresses.

And first looks at, or first proper engagements with, Yamagami Yukihiro's "Shinjuku calling" (2014), video projections on to finely drawn pencil on plywood, Myoung Ho Lee's poetic 'Trees' (which made me think of Magritte, as many things do, in the way it intervenes, dream-like, in ordinary perception), and Nendo's wonderful manga chairs, both playful and deep (the animated video was delightful too).

(first visit; second visit; third visit)

(w/ Yee Fui)