Monday, March 14, 2016

"Picnic at Hanging Rock" (Malthouse)

I wasn't sure what to expect from this one, but it was successful; the framing via the five contemporary schoolgirls worked, and the first half or so of the play in particular was effective in rendering the post-colonial hauntedness of the Australian bush, sticking closely to the events of the film and achieving both a sustained mood and some moments that are genuinely unsettling through good use of lighting and other tricks - I don't think I've ever seen even elements of horror attempted on stage before in this way (the only sort-of example I can think of is the schlocky The Rabble take on "Frankenstein" from a couple of years ago). There are a few mis-steps in the later stages - the trampoline is incongruous, the hysterical swarming of Irma didn't hit quite the right tone - but this was still a very sound production that I enjoyed a lot.