Sunday, September 27, 2015

"The Material Turn" (Margaret Lawrence Gallery) / "TV Moore: With Love & Squalor" (ACCA)

"The Material Turn"

A mixed bag, although it has prompted me to discover what New Materialism is. The two that I particularly liked were the "Chair in Co-operation with Orange (Extended)" installation in three parts (Katie Lee with Andrew Sainsbury) - and Sophie Takach's "Granular Gradation (After Wentworth)", which I initially (wrongly) took to be rather conceptually superficial but became much richer and more satisfying after I spent more time with it and from a range of different vantage points (closer and further away).

TV Moore

I hadn't actually expected to much like this one, having anticipated that it'd be too lurid for my tastes. But it turned out to be enjoyable - satirical, sure, but also inviting and imbued with a welcome sense of fun, starting from the first video "Frat Self SUN SPACE" (animation of frat boy type obliviously taking succession of selfies against increasingly more spectacular and ultimately cosmic backdrops).

(w/ trang)