Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Belle and Sebastian @ the Palais, Sunday 1 February

Ten years on from the last time that I saw Belle and Sebastian at the Palais and oh what memories and associations their music brings. The show started with two new songs, and then it was "Seeing Other People" and we were off.

For me, lp-wise, it's always been love and recognition in re the greatness of the first three (blue, green, red) plus a sentimental attachment to Fold Your Hands Child..., and this concert made me realise that time has elevated Dear Catastrophe Waitress somewhat in the direction of that last; it also reminded me of just how deeply writ their whole songbook is in me, with every one of those back catalogue numbers so intimately familiar.

Objectively, the gig was probably fine, really, not outstanding, and I enjoyed it accordingly - moderately, not extravagantly (not even in that quiet way that really good shows can take one from time to time). But, clearly, this isn't about objectivity - and so.

(w/ Nicolette)