Saturday, April 26, 2014

Matt Zoller Seitz - The Wes Anderson Collection

One heck of a good coffee table book. Short essays and extended interviews with Anderson himself about each of his films up to and including Moonrise Kingdom, with generous amounts of miscellany - screen shots (including some illuminating side by side comparisons with scenes from films that have inspired Anderson), shooting-related material like early scripts, sketches, concept art and story board outtakes, a range of more tangential but interesting photos and graphics (eg a Cousteau gallery, to shed more light on The Life Aquatic), and some very fitting art by Max Dalton (the double-page spreads for each of the individual films are a highlight). Anderson himself emerges as a thoughtful and humble artist, engaged with his own process but not particularly wrapped up in any kind of auteur mystique; also, the French new wave influence is obvious once it's pointed out!