Monday, January 27, 2014

Inside Llewyn Davis

One thing about the Coen brothers, they never fail to make interesting movies. I was going to say that I think I generally prefer the simpler, perhaps broader pleasures of many of their earlier films (Fargo, The Hudsucker Proxy and O Brother, Where Art Thou? especially), but a quick glance at their filmography goes to show what a remarkable track record they in fact have maintained all the way through to the present day (I'd forgotten all about their excellent True Grit), not to mention their range along the way.

Anyway, there's a lot to chew on with Inside Llewyn Davis, much of it at the level of suggestion, implication, tone - it's very much an art film. Comic and sombre, it seems to regard the folk scene of 60s Greenwich Village primarily as setting qua setting, though there's a fondness to the depiction too.

(w/ Wei and Andreas)