Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Dirty Girl

I don't quite know why I find Juno Temple so appealing. She's cute and all, but not so much as to explain her particular charisma (and besides, not really in the usual way for me, ie pretty, willowy brunettes) - I guess there's just some kind of movie thing going on. Anyway, whatever the reasons, Temple as the titular 'dirty girl' in a high school-ish film set in the 80s seemed a likely winner, and Dirty Girl is pretty alright - edgy enough, though, like most films of this kind, also possessed of a pretty wide sentimental streak, and while, tonally, it's a bit all over the place, there are some nice moments, an enjoyable if somewhat marginal supporting cast - William H Macy, Milla Jovovich, Mary Steenburgen, Dwight Yoakam, the first three in particular amusing because of the past roles that I associate them with - and a solid performance by co-star Jeremy Dozier, plus a cameo by Tim McGraw, not that I recognised him. (Also, a bag of flour called Joan whose texta drawn facial expression changes according to Temple's Danielle's mood.)