Saturday, September 22, 2012

Liz Phair - Exile in Guyville

This is an album that I probably should've come to a long time ago, considering that it's (a) an indie-rock female singer-songwriter album from the 90s and (b) been the subject of endless acclaim (also (c) I've always liked whitechocolatespaceegg, which I did come across back in the 90s).

Well - and, while it's good, the thing is that I probably would've liked it a lot if I had come across it back in the day. Listening to it now, I get the great songwriting, the way the scuzziness of the sound perfectly sets off the tunes and lyrics ("Fuck and Run" stands out as a genuinely great song), the candour and rawness of those lyrics, the all-round attitude - but I don't identify with it in the way that my teenage self might (probably would) have.