Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Rockabye" (MTC)

Post-show discussions following this, Joanna Murray-Smith's take on the ethics of celebrity adoption of third world children (and a fair bit else besides, extending out fairly directly from that central question), quickly revealed a clear consensus - alas, it's a rather mediocre play. I found it hard to damn as bad per se (others weren't so temperate) - rather, it was just all too middling, never raising its sights above the ordinary and so not even an interesting failure. Punchy enough, but there was just nothing to it.

Incidentally, greatest feel-good song of all time is almost certainly "Son of a Preacher Man"; possibly "Superstition" (in a slightly different way, too, "Lazy Line Painter Jane", of course). For some reason "A Whiter Shade of Pale" comes to mind too, but that can't be right.

[part of an MTC subscription with Steph, Sunny & co]