Friday, April 10, 2009

The Year of Magical Thinking (MTC)

This one didn't quite take with me - it's ferociously intelligent, and quite impassionedly so at times, but I think possibly too far removed from my own experience to hit home, and also, insofar as it is a play (and doing my best to take it on its own terms, as always), it's not the kind of play that I really like. A 90 minute monologue, leavened only by some movement by the speaker, Robyn Nevin, between the rows of chairs laid out on the stage which comprise the set, and on-off lighting and sound effects from time to time, and on the subject of grief and how we might deal with it (or fail to do so), by way of Joan Didion's coolly anguished account of the sudden death of her husband and the more gradual decline of their daughter, it's well mounted and performed (Nevin is strong) but didn't enthrall or involve me as it might have wished to.

[part of an MTC subscription with Steph, Sunny & co]