Monday, February 23, 2009

Give Listen Help

A benefit cd (double cd actually), and one with an impressive roster of acts contributing remixes or previously unreleased cuts; attempting to list the most famous in descending order, one might end up with a list something like this, depending on the sphere within which the fame was being measured: Oasis, Garbage, Jack Johnson, Radiohead, Bloc Party, Rilo Kiley, CSS, the Decemberists, Ladytron, the Faint, Bat for Lashes, the Dears, Of Montreal - and that's not the half of it (there are also several acts whose names I hadn't heard before). Covers about the sort of ground that one would expect it to given that kind of rollcall (with a fair number of folk-tinged offerings from those that I didn't previously know), and does it well despite the 'odds and sorts' nature of the contributions.