Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Vale book club

Well, I think that the original book club is now on permanent hiatus, with a couple of its critical members out of the jurisdiction and the remaining organisers faitly unmotivated at this point; in another sense, the rock upon which it's foundered has been Orlando, but really, I think it had pretty much done its dash by then anyway. By way of a rundown (I may have missed one or two, but I think this is all of them):

(and there was the long weekend away in April of this year, though there was no official book selection for that one)

(it's characteristic that three out of the four people whose places I can remember having been venues have since moved - in fact, come to think of it, all four of them might' one case, no less than three times)

Members from the outset were Wei (as initial convenor), Cassie, Andrew B, Kai, David and Ash, with Tamara coming on board from the Stendhal and Julian F a bit later (Midwich Cuckoos, maybe). Also involved initially was Sarah O'B, before she went overseas, and various others came along to the first couple of meetings, too.

Well, it was nice while it lasted...but then again, there's no shortage of other things to do (or occasions for book-readin') at the moment!