Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sweeney Todd

All the elements were there, and so Burton's Sweeney Todd is what it is, and very good that is too - lush, dark, bloody and memorable (not to mention more than a bit stressful once the (rather graphic) throat-cutting starts...though one becomes a bit inured to it after the second or third). All commit themselves nobly with the singing; technical perfection's not what's required for a production of this kind, after all. And the sets look every inch the part (as do the actors, it does without saying). I'm not really in a hurry to watch it again (I rarely am with Burton films) but it sure was grand to be immersed in its streams for those couple of hours.

(w/ Michelle - I almost said 'of course', but actually there are any number of people with whom it would've made just as much sense for me to be watching this...Tim Burton is great, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter likewise, and who wouldn't want to see them take on Sweeney Todd? We all know it.)