That music got under my skin many years ago, starting with Bix Beiderbecke and Louis Armstrong. The two greatest cornet players of jazz ever and friends...one white, one black. Destined to never play together in public, but only in secret jam sessions after the clubs had closed to a privileged few. Sometimes with this music playing, the right reading material (preferably with your Gatsby within reach), maybe throw in a Hitchcock silent, and you can pull a "somewhere in time" a la Christopher Reeve. But this activity can become somewhat addictive, so consider it only in moderation.
I'm liking this mix a lot - even though my previous exposure to jazz doesn't extend much beyond a bit of Miles and a smattering of Coltranes John and Alice, its moody, smoke-wreathed, after-dark sounds made sense to me straight away.
(from John in Philadelphia [?])