Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A couple of rewatches: Chungking Express and The Nightmare Before Christmas

Michelle and David came over last night, and we watched a couple of the things that I have lying around my room - Chungking Express and The Nightmare Before Christmas. I saw the latter of those recently enough that I don't have much to add to my initial impressions; as to Chungking Express (thoughts after first viewing here), well, I suppose that my attitude towards it was a bit more critical this time round, meaning that I picked up on more of the little parallels between the two stories and the ways that they actually intersect, and also was more aware of how much each storyline needs the other in order to work, but it's still just as good...I should get myself a dvd copy of this one - like Amelie, it'd be a good one to be able to watch over and over, for comfort's sake...