Monday, November 12, 2018

New Museum, NYC

A range of good contemporary art.

Marguerite Humeau - "Birth Canal"

Sculptures invoking both Venus figures and animal brains, representing shamanic women and with names like "Venus of Frasassi, A 10-year old female human has ingested a rabbit's brain". The installation includes a polyphonic soundtrack and a scent supposedly inspired by bodily liquids associated with birth; it felt like a passage to an older time.

Marianna Simnett - "Blood in My Milk"

This was excellent! Five channels, featuring creepy children, surgical procedures, singing (multiple times), threats to make birds sing, a worm emerging from a woman's mouth, mastitis, cows' udders, a 'watchman' with a speech impediment who encourages children to take a vow of chastity, a young girl who seems to meet a doubled version of herself and so on.

Sarah Lucas - "Au Naturel"

A survey exhibition, and I enjoyed it a lot (this despite not being in a vein especially in my usual wheelhouse).