Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street

Tells its story - of DiCaprio's utterly unscrupulous trader Jordan Belfort's rise to riches - with a verve which carried me through probably the longest film I've ever watched in a cinema that wasn't either a Lord of the Rings film or part of a festival (in that latter category, this one comes straight to mind). It's downright funny in places too, not to mention outright grotesque in particular moments that stand out event amidst all of the debauchery and excess. For me, as a whole, this was a film that was more diverting than really a knock-out, but still, nicely done.

Some support cast-y things:
  • Kyle Chandler, who plays the FBI agent pursuing Belfort, looks exactly like a young Robert Forster (ie Max Cherry in Jackie Brown).
  • Belfort's first wife is played by Cristin Milioti - I couldn't place her at the time, but google tells me that she not only is the mother in HIMYM (as finally revealed in the last ep of season 8), but also had that memorable cameo in 30 Rock's fifth season as the 'sexy baby' comedienne.
  • McConaughey's turn near the start is gold.

(w/ Mehnaz)